Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD is characterized by repeated unwanted thoughts, impulses, or images and repetitive behaviors or mental acts. They are performed in an effort to relieve distress. Some children experience both obsessions and compulsions and others experience only one of them. OCD is a fairly common disorder in childhood and adolescence and affects boys and girls equally. Some children as young as three or four years may develop the disorder but the symptoms usually appear around 10 years. Many children are often secretive about their symptoms, and many with OCD also have psychiatric diagnoses. An evaluation of OCD at Tashawna K. Duncan, Ph.D., P.A. usually involves a clinical interview with you and your child and an assessment.


  • Feeling embarrassed, anxious, or ashamed about his/her thoughts and behavior
  • Isolating from peers
  • Not wanting to go to school because of being worried about others seeing their behaviors
  • Common obsessions
    • Contamination fears
    • Doubting
    • Specific order or symmetry
    • Need for things to be perfect
    • Aggressive or horrific imagery
    • Sexual or taboo imagery
  • Common Compulsions
    • Washing or cleaning
    • Counting
    • Checking and rechecking
    • Saving or hoarding
    • Seeking reassurance
    • Ordering or arranging
    • Reworking something until it is perfect
    • Praying or tattling

Treatment Options