Tourette’s Syndrome

Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological disorder that begins in childhood, usually sometime between ages two and 12 with the average being around seven years. However, symptoms usually lessen after the teenage years. Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop this disorder. Tourette’s disorder is associated with simple (sudden, brief, and repetitive) and/or complex (distinct, coordinated patterns) tics that are motor and vocal. Tics may vary in type, frequency, and severity. They may worsen if you’re ill, stressed, anxious, tired, or excited. Tics may occur during sleep and may evolve into different tics over time.


Common motor tics


Eye blinking
Head jerking
Shoulder shrugging
Eye darting
Finger flexing
Sticking the tongue out


Touching the nose
Touching other people
Smelling objects
Obscene gesturing
Flapping the arms

Common vocal tics


Throat clearing


Using different tones of voice
Repeating one’s own words or phrases
Repeating others’ words or phrases
Using vulgar, obscene, or swear words


What should I do if I notice my child has tics?

I have noticed other problems with my child besides tics, what could those problems be due to?